Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm ba-ack!

Good morning again! I had a great week at VBS--I think it's the best one we've had since I've been here. (Can you believe it's been four years?!)

At any rate, I took a sick day yesterday but I'm back at work, if not completely healed. *cough, cough, cough.* Let's get to it!

Here's the question of the day:
In the days of 2 Chronicles 15, was it safe to travel about in the lands?

And here's the reflection of the day:
Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

The writer of Ephesians "sees every Christian life as preordained by God. Each life has a purpose, "good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Pheme Perkins, NIB Commentary, Ephesians).

Perkins goes on to point out that when we think of God having a divinely ordained plan for someone's life, we tend to think of the lives of Martin Luther, Martin Luther King Jr, Billy Graham, and one of dozen popes. They had world-changing lives.

But Ephesians was not written to Martin Luther or Billy Graham. It was written to ALL of us.
Perkins writes, "Every Christian has some 'good works' that are his or her divine calling."

And Ephesians recommends organizing one's life around God first. If Christ is at the center, all things will hold together. If one can organize life around God, then all of the details--"the passions and concerns of daily life"--become a part of God's divinely ordered plan worked out in our everyday lives. The mundane, tedious details of our lives suddenly belong to God. What may seem as a random sequence of events to a non-believer gels into a divine plan for each one of our lives, as we seek to live out God's purpose.

What do the details of your life look like? How do you think these pieces fit together as part of God's plan for your life?

Have a splendid day!

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