Wednesday, November 11, 2009

YOB Musical Edition

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"Year of the Bible" Q&As and Pastor's Reflection

Here's the question and answer from Monday:
Ezekiel compares Israel’s mother to what? (Ezek 19)
Ezekiel 19:10 10 "'Your mother was like a vine in your vineyard planted by the water; it was fruitful and full of branches because of abundant water."

And the question and answer from Tuesday:
Who is “the living Stone” 1 Peter 2 talks about?
1 Peter 2:4-5 4 As you come to him, the living Stone-- rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him-- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

And here's today's question of the day:
The psalmist encourages us to pray for the __________ of Jerusalem? (Ps 122)

And here's the reflection of the day:

I really love today's readings from the psalms, especially Psalm 121. As frequently happens to me, I begin to read Scripture and a song pops into my head--"I lift my eyes up to the hills--where does my help come from" were the particular lines. So I went to work on looking for a version of that song I liked. And this is what I came up with: it's called "Praise You in This Storm" recorded by Casting Crowns and this version is by a guy named Joe Monto.

May this song be our prayer today and always! (Lyrics are posted under the video.)

"Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns (performed by Joe Monto)

I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth

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