Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Aroma of Christ

Good morning! I'm glad you stopped by today!

Here's the question and answer from yesterday:
Psalm 61 is a prayer. Who is the prayer for?
Psalm 61:6-7 6 Increase the days of the king's life, his years for many generations. 7 May he be enthroned in God's presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.

And here's the question of the day:
Who was Paul looking for when he came to Troas? Where did he go after that? (2 Cor 13)

And here's the reflection of the day:
I am presiding over a wedding next month. The groom went to our church when he was younger--apparently he was a holy terror during VBS!

The church has changed a lot since he was there--not only has time passed, but we've been through the fire and rebuilt. So, it was kind of odd that, when I was meeting with them at the church, he walked into the sanctuary and said, "It's smells just the same!"

Now, I don't know about YOUR sanctuary, but I never noticed any distinctive smells coming from ours. (We don't usually have many flowers or smelly candles or incense or anything.) Fora while, it did smell like new wood, new carpet, and new paint for a while, but that "new" smell is pretty much gone now.

But to this groom, and his fresh nose unaccustomed to the church, it still smelled the same. He didn't say it in a negative way; he was nostalgic and sentimental, two words I would NOT normally use to describe him generally!

To him, it was "the fragrance of life" (2 Cor 2.16). To him, it was the smell of childhood and of home.

This particular young man hasn't been to church since he was a kid, and I don't expect he will start coming after he is married, but I hope, while I have a chance to interact with this soon-to-be-married couple, that I can be the "aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing" (2 Cor 2.15).

I hope that I can be that reminder of Home and be an invitation on behalf of a Father who wants to welcome all His children Home.

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