Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Whew! Bundle up!

Yikes! Curl up under your blanket and stay there as much as possible. It's going to be a cold week.

Here's yesterday's question and answer:
Tues, Jan. 13 What physical ailment of Isaac started this whole mess between Jacob and Esau? (Gen 27)
Genesis 27:1 When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak that he could no longer see. . . "

And here's today's question of the day:
Weds, Jan. 14 On what did Jacob see angels ascending and descending during his dream? (Gen 28)

And today's reflection:
Psalm 8 explores the tension we live with as God's children. God is a great big, powerful God--the creator of the heavens and moon and stars with simply His fingertips. But we are lowly humans, sinful and full of pride, who ruined even the Garden of Eden. Yet God made us "a little lower than the heavenly beings" and crowned us "with glory and honor."

God has given us a place of honor among His creation, and yet when given the choice, we would probably choose to do harm to His creation. When given the choice, we choose selfishly. But God never chooses selfishly. God is always holy.

So, "what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" The tension we live in is this: God is holy and we are not, but because He has adopted us as His children, His holiness is passed on to us, making us holy. We are holy not because of what we have done but because of what God has done for us. So God makes us holy--exalts us over the rest of creation--and yet we are still far less than God. And since idolatry seems to be our #1 sin, this is perhaps a perspective we should ponder more often!

Bible Study is still on for today at 10:30a. We'll decide about the evening Bible Study later--snow is supposed to be moving in this afternoon. Bundle up if you're going out!

1 comment:

  1. Psalm 8 - I had someone once tell me to put my name in place of the word man in that Psalm. Boy that really makes God's love and care for us personal--not all "men" but for ME!
